It is always our goal to make your visit with us as seamless as possible. For this reason, we have a simple list of items that you should bring with you each time you have an appointment at Clear Dermatology.
A parent or legal guardian must come to the minor’s visits.
Our goal is to provide quality individualized dermatologic care in a timely manner. “No-shows” and late cancellations inconvenience those individuals who need access to care in a timely manner. We would like to remind you of our office policy regarding missed appointments. This policy enables us to best utilize available appointments for our patients in need of care.
To be respectful of the medical needs of all patients, please be courteous and call us promptly if you are unable to show up for an appointment. This time will be reallocated to someone who needs treatment. If it is necessary for you to cancel your appointment, we require that you call at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand and your early cancellation will give another person the opportunity to have access to timely care.
If an appointment is not cancelled with proper notice, you may be charged a fee. Your insurance company will not cover this charge. Insurance companies only consider covering costs for services that were rendered by a licensed provider.
First missed appointment
No charge. We understand that mistakes happen.
Second missed appointment
$25 fee will be billed to your account.
Third missed appointment-
$50 fee will be billed to your account.
Repeated no shows may result in the patient and/or family being discharged from our practice.
*Fees are the discretion of the business owner
*Fees are incurred for each child/family member scheduled.
Example: 2 siblings scheduled = 2 fees.
We understand that delays can occasionally happen; however, we must try our best to keep the providers on schedule. If a patient arrives more than 10 minutes past their scheduled time, we may have to reschedule your appointment.
If you are having a difficult time paying a balance, we are here to work with you. If you have questions about your bill, or would like to discuss payment plan options, please contact the office, and speak to the Practice Administrator or the Patient Care Coordinator. 610-484-3761
Our practice firmly believes that a good provider/patient relationship is based upon understanding and good communication.
To cancel appointments please call 610-484-3761. If you do not reach one of our helpful team members, you may leave a message on our voicemail.
We use the term late cancellation when a patient fails to cancel their scheduled appointment with a 24-hour advanced notice.
The term “no-show” is for patients who miss an appointment without calling to notify the office in advance. A failure to be present at the time of a scheduled appointment will be recorded in your medical record as a “no-show”.
A fixed fee that subscribers to a medical plan must pay, for their use of specific medical services covered by the plan.
This is the amount a patient owes after insurance has been filed. For example: most insurance companies only cover 80%, 85% or 90% of allowed charges and the patient is responsible for the balance.
A deductible is the fixed amount you pay out of pocket before a health insurance plan begins to cover health care costs.
In-network refers to health care providers that have agreed to provide services to a health plan’s members at a negotiated rate. Plan members usually pay less when using an in-network provider because the cost to the health plan is lower.
Insurance companies rely on physicians to submit claims on procedures that in their opinion are medically necessary. Cosmetic procedures could be but are not limited to-benign moles, skin tags, acne/milia extractions and seborrheic keratosis. Also, laser treatments to improve appearance or to treat acne are considered cosmetic.
It is an Explanation of Benefits that is mailed to the patient and provider, showing amount billed, amount adjusted off, amount paid (if any) or amount applied to deductible.
Please remember to contact your insurance company for questions concerning your policy. By understanding your policy better, you are an advocate for yourself!
Please call the number on your insurance card to check if our providers are in network with your plan.
If you are a patient coming from Tower Health Dermatology practice (which is now closed), you will need to fill out this specific form and mail it to the address on the top of the form: Once we receive your dermatology records from Tower Health, we will call you to make an appointment.
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