CLEAR DERMATOLOGY | DR. jennifer Mueller
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Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer can happen to anyone, at any age, on any part of the body. And because skin cancers appear in many shapes and sized, they can be a challenge to identify. If you notice something suspicious, do not wait and get it checked by a dermatologist. Finding and treating skin cancer early can save your life. Here are some facts about skin cancer shared by

  • 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70
  • More than 2 people die of skin cancer in the US every hour
  • Having 5 or more sunburns doubles your risk of melanoma
  • When detected early, the 5-year survival rate for melanoma is 99%


There are several ways you can protect yourself and decrease your risk of skin cancer and using sunscreen with SPF 15+ daily is one of the very best! A few other tips are, seeking shade, wear a hat, eat a healthy diet, and of course have routine skin exams with Dr. Mueller.


Are you at risk for developing skin cancer? Here are some factors that increase your skin cancer risk:

  • Using a tanning bed
  • Not using sunscreen
  • Sunburns
  • Genetics
  • Atypical Moles


Take some time to watch and listen to Dr. Mueller explain the 3 most common types of skin cancer:

September 7, 2022
Baby Botox, also called micro-Botox, is a trending version of Botox. Baby Botox works the same as traditional Botox but with smaller doses. This service is performed by Dr, Mueller and she will do a small number of injections in specific areas on the face. Once injected, the face looks younger and smoother. With Baby Botox, there are limited effects on the face, with less dramatic results versus a traditional Botox treatment. Baby Botox is used on facial areas that are more prone to wrinkles or fine lines. These targeted areas include the wrinkling at the forehead, crow’s feet, brow furrows, jawbone, lips, frown lines and neck. A good candidate for Baby Botox is someone who may not have had Botox before and wants to try it out. Another reason someone might get Baby Botox is if they are in their twenties and want to prevent fine lines before they start to appear. Please take a few minutes to watch this great video that Dr. Muller put together featuring Baby Botox:
September 7, 2022
We all know that spending time outdoors is fun and healthy! Sometimes, we unintentionally bring nature home with us, for instance, a tick. Ticks are external parasites, living by feeding on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians. Ticks can also carry disease so it’s very important that ticks are completely removed from the skin, and you get tested for Lyme disease. The CDC Advises: Many tickborne diseases can have similar signs and symptoms. If you get a tick bite and develop the symptoms below within a few weeks, see your healthcare provider. The most common symptoms of tick-related illnesses include: Fever/chills. All tickborne diseases can cause fever. Aches and pains. Tickborne diseases can cause headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. People with Lyme disease may also have joint pain. Rash. Tick bites can cause distinctive rashes. Dr. Mueller and her team are ready to help you with tick removal as well as Lyme testing. And we have a great little short for you to watch too!!
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