Dr. Mueller is a Board-Certified Dermatologist, one of only 5 in Berks County. What is a Board-Certified Dermatologist and why is that important?
The skin is an incredible organ. It is your first line of defense against disease, protects your other organs, warms you up and cools you down, and sends messages about how healthy you are inside. Dermatologists are expert medical doctors and skin surgeons with the unique skills and experience to offer the best care for the organ that cares for you.
Dermatologists have extensive training, going to school for 12 years or more to learn to diagnose and treat more than 3,000 diseases of the skin, hair, and nails as well as cosmetic concerns. After successfully completing residency training in dermatology, a dermatologist can become board-certified, completing a challenging exam on the knowledge and skills acquired during their years of training. Board certification from the American Board of Dermatology, lets you know you are receiving care from someone who has received the most rigorous education in the field. You can tell a dermatologist is board-certified if the letters FAAD appear after their name. FAAD stands for Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology.
It’s important to Dr. Mueller and the entire Clear Dermatology team to know that you will be getting expert care at your visit. Please call us today to make your appointment.
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